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Club Business

The Yoga Club is governed by a board of directors consisting of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and a Member-at-Large.  The board meets monthly. Officers are elected for a two (2) year term from January 1 through December 31 of each year.  Terms of office stagger with the President, Secretary, and Member-at-Large elected for the odd-number years. The Vice President and Treasurer are elected for the even number years. No officer shall be eligible for more than four (4) consecutive years in the same office. Special committees are formed as needed, and a bookkeeper handles receipts and disbursements. 

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2024 Officers Elected
Many thanks to the following Yoga Club members who have volunteered to serve as club officers for 2024.  They were unanimously elected at the December 2023 general membership meeting.

President - Sherry Gustafson 
Vice President - Rickey Murrell
Treasurer - Susan Colvin

Secretary - Mary Casselman
Member-at-Large - Teri Huff
Club Financials and Bylaws
Club Policies

The following policies are in effect for the Sun City West Yoga Club.  In the event of a conflict between the Club's bylaws and these policies, the bylaws will prevail.  Questions about these policies should be directed to a Club Officer.


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